How To Write a Paper, 5th Edition

List of Contributors, vii

Preface to the Fifth Edition, x

Preface to the Fourth Edition, xi

Chapter 1 Structure of a scientific paper, 1
George M. Hall

Chapter 2 Introduction, 6
Richard Smith

Chapter 3 methods, 16
Gordon B. Drummond

Chapter 4 results, 22
Charles W. Hogue

Chapter 5 discussion, 29
George M. Hall

Chapter 6 titles, abstracts and Authors, 33
Kevin W. Eva

Luku 7 kenen pitäisi olla kirjailija?, 42
Richard Horton

Chapter 8 References, 47
Simon Howell ja Liz Neilly

Chapter 9 Electronic submissions, 57
Michael Willis

Chapter 10 Open access, 64
Mark Ware

Chapter 11 How to write a letter, 71
Michael Doherty

Chapter 12 How to prepare an abstract for a scientific meeting, 78
Robert N. Allan

Chapter 13 How to write a case report, 83
Martin Neil Rossor

Chapter 14 How to write a review, 89
Paul Glasziou

Chapter 15 How to write a book review, 98
Mark W. Davies and Luke A. Jardine

Chapter 16 käsikirjoituksen arvioijan rooli, 102
Domhnall Macauley

Luku 17 toimittajan rooli, 115
Jennifer M. Hunter

Luku 18 mitä Kustantaja tekee, 124
Gavin Sharrock ja Elizabeth Whelan

Luku 19 Tyyli: what it is and why it matters, 133
Sharon Leng

Chapter 20 Ethics of publication, 141
Chris Graf and Elissa Wilson

Index, 151

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